Why choose Eden?
At Eden forklift training, we provide all levels of lift truck operator training – from the complete novice to highly experienced, from the over confident to the very nervous – all training will be tailored to your company’s and your operator’s needs. All courses require the candidates to complete a practical and theory assessment and our instructors are experienced at supporting a variety of additional learning needs and disabilities to ensure training is accessible to all. Over the years, we have successfully supported many operators to complete their course. It is helpful if any issue is discussed at the time the training is booked to ensure the necessary support is available.
When to train operators
New drivers must complete basic training and testing before operating any fork lift truck and existing operators need regular training to keep their skills up to date. Part-time workers need the same level of training as full-time workers – operators lose skills if they do not use them regularly.
You should consider a gap of 3 years between training and refresher training, depending on the risk, and some companies provide refresher training more often than this. Even if drivers operate vehicles every day, regular refresher training is recommended to make sure they maintain good driving habits, learn new skills where appropriate, and reassess their operating abilities.
It is also recommended that refresher, conversion or familiarisation training is provided for all operators if you change the vehicles they use, you move site, you change the way they work, they have an extended absence at work or they become disabled. Remedial training and re-testing is recommended when an operator has caused an accident or near miss.